Marketing Book Free
Marketing book app is the Best Marketing learning solution app.
We use a large variety of goods and services in our daily life.
These include items like toothpaste, toothbrush, soap, oil, clothes, food items, telephone, electricity and many more.
How do all these goods and services reach our home?
Obviously, the business houses who produce the goods and services have to ensure that these are to be sold, and so they have to make the consumers/users aware of their products and place them at points convenient to the consumers.
This involves a number of activities such as product planning, pricing, promotion, use of middlemen (wholesalers, retailers, etc.) for sale, warehousing, transportation, etc.
All these activities taken together are termed as Marketing.
In this free Marketing books app, we will learn about the concept of marketing, its importance, objectives and functions.
Introduction to free Marketing Book Objectives
• Explain the meaning of marketing
• Differentiate between ‘marketing’ and ‘selling’
• Describe the importance of marketing
• State the objectives of marketing
• Explain the various functions of marketing